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Scarlet Shadow Update 0.7.2

Hi everyone, my dear players of Scarlet Shadow!

Long time no see, huh? I've been quite busy lately: I started college two months ago, and I'm struggling to set a balance between study and free time. Luckily, I managed to gather some time to finally publish a new version of Scarlet Shadow. This new update was released to fix some game-breaking bugs found in the Soul Forest. Other than that, I tried to balance the gameplay even further to give a more fair experience to the players. You can find the list of changes below:

  • Bug fixing: Fixed a game-crashing bug that made Irid unable to walk after a cutscene in the Soul Temple Fixed a bug that stopped battles for a few seconds after some particular skills Changed how Irid's passive ability ("Resolute Start") works.

  • Game Balancing: Lowered Bookster's max HP Lowered the usage rate of the skill "Healing Whip" during the first battle against Camille Buffed Irid's TP skill, Air Attack.

  • Added new details to the Soul Forest's Map

You can download the new version here:

Special Thanks to TDG3RD for reporting the game-breaking bug to me. If you see a bug in Scarlet Shadow, or you want to simply report something, you can contact me in many ways by using Instagram, Twitter,, or even this website! Until next time!

Update 0.7.1


  • Changed the description of the "Row" command in the help menu

  • Added new NPCs to the city of Dryadalis

  • Deleted useless items from the shops

  • Bug Fixing: Fixed a game-crashing bug that froze the screen during a cutscene in the Arktys Fixed a bug that made the screen go dark when exiting the Old Mansion Fixed a bug that made it impossible to walk on a tile in the Arktys. Fixed a bug in the electronic shop that placed items where they shouldn't be. Fixed a bug that prevented the player from playing the lotto if they had more than 50 Kaeli Fixed a bug in the Ether Structure that blocked the player after returning to the main room from the key room

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