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Age I: Age of Darkness - Chapters 1-3 Recap

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

During a dark and lost age, in the small village of Kamar, lives a family of humble farmers alongside their four children. The eldest son of the family, Drake, is bedridden after contracting a strange illness and his parents decide to go on a journey to find a cure for him. The two go missing after setting off and end up leaving their children alone. A few weeks after the mysterious disappearance, Frederick, the second-born son of the family, who was also tasked to check up on Drake, has a nightmare in which the latter becomes possessed by darkness.

After waking up from said Dream, the young boy (who was sixteen at the time), goes downstairs to find his little brother Nigel all alone. Nigel (who was 15) informs his brother that Miriam, the youngest of the four siblings, was nowhere to be found that morning, thus prompting Frederick to believe his nightmare was actually a premonitory dream. The courageous young boy decides to actually go check up on Drake to find out the truth and his cowardly brother Nigel, decides to tag along shortly after.

After knocking on Drake’s door (in vain), they enter his room to witness an unsettling scenario: Drake is nowhere to be found and the room is actually embedded in darkness

Frederick notices a shadow outside the window and realizes it is Drake. After desperately trying to reach out to his older brother, the house starts (mysteriously) collapsing and the shadow disappears out of thin air. After shouting Drake’s name one last time, the two brothers are buried under the roof of their own house.


Two months pass after the tragic event and both Frederick and Nigel wake up in an hospital room with their heads bandaged. The next day the two brothers get discharged from the hospital and are called in by the doctor who took care of them during their coma. Dr. Brooks tries to clear up all of their questions and doubts, stating that they were brought in by a mysterious stranger. Nigel asks the doctor if they can go back home, but Brooks informs the two that their home has now become rubble and they will soon be sent to an orphanage.


Despite Frederick and Nigel’s opposition, the brothers are asked to take their luggage out and get in the coach. After a short trip, they finally arrive at Sunwoods Orphanage, where they are greeted by the young director miss Pilkings. The woman proceeds to invite the brothers inside her office, where she fills the entry form and later introduces them to the other children of the orphanage.

Time goes by fast in the structure and everything seems to be going alright until, one day, the Sharks (also known as the bullies of the orphanage) take it out on Nigel. The children, in fact, are divided into two factions: the Sharks, led by Travis and the Oppressed led by the geeky Pais. As always, Frederick intervenes to save the day and challenges Travis to a fight. The struggle between the two ends with Travis’ defeat at the hands of Frederick, who had thrown a flower pot onto the bully’s head. The rest of the Sharks run away, while the Oppressed show gratitude towards the turquoise-haired boy. Nigel runs up to his brother, and hugs him. Unfortunately for the two, the strict caretaker of the orphanage finds out what happened to Travis and decides to punish Nigel.

Frederick takes his responsibilities and admits he is the one to blame, after which the man drags the boy upstairs. Frederick is then caged in an old prison cell located on the tower of the orphanage. As a matter of fact, the old structure used to be a prison where many convicts had been locked up. Frederick ultimately understands that he has no way out and lays on his hard wooden bed, to finally have some rest.


During that cold winter night, Frederick has another strange dream. He wakes up in a pitch black room and starts looking around in utter disbelief. A flame ignites right before his eyes and soon extends into a fire. The fire entirely surrounds Frederick, who now hears a soothing and calm voice whispering in his head, asking him to “come closer”. Reassured by the unknown presence, Frederick steps further and is soon enveloped in flames. The boy immediately notices that the fire is not burning his skin, but rather making him stronger, as he once again hears the same voice in his head.

The dream abruptly ends and Frederick wakes up soaked in sweat, while someone is insistently knocking on the door. Morning has finally come, with the rays of the sun filtering from the window. The young man recognizes his brother’s voice and decides to approach the door. Nigel tells Frederick that he talked to Pais, the leader of the Oppressed, all night long, discussing the events of that day. The latter wanted to repay Frederick, for defending him and the other kids from Travis and his minions, by helping him and Nigel escape from the orphanage. The two will have to wait until night though, before they can accomplish their plan.

When night comes, Pais arrives at Frederick’s door alongside Nigel and tells him to push as hard as he can, while he attempts to pick the lock.

The three succeed in opening the door and Pais gives the brothers a rope in order to escape from the window.

At first, Frederick and Nigel are able to get down from the window, but a terrible storm breaks in and ruins their plans. The rope slowly starts breaking and Nigel is soon struck by lightning. Frederick helplessly witnesses his brother falling down from the high tower, while screaming at the top of his lungs. He tries to call for help, but Pais gives no response, as he as been knocked out unconscious by the rubble.

Now desperate, the young boy rushes to aid Nigel, who gives no signs of life whatsoever. Frederick starts crying, begging his little brother not to leave him, but to his delight, Nigel wakes up mildly confused, and asks him whether he’s actually dead or alive. The two manage to flee from the area, but lightning strikes the tower once again and the old building starts collapsing on the two brothers’ heads. After a long run in search of help, Frederick, who is now carrying an unconscious Nigel on his back, notices a coach passing by. The carriage stops as the young boy passes out in front of the coachman. A mysterious individual steps out of the ride and orders the coachman to bring the unconscious boys onto the carriage.

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